Fertility Testing
Although male infertility is less common than female infertility, it can still be a contributing factor in about 40% of all infertility cases. At the Alabama Center for Reproductive Medicine, we provide male fertility diagnostic testing. Dr. Long accepts patients by referral and through consultation requests. If you are concerned that you are experiencing male infertility, please make an appointment today.
Semen Analysis
Causes of male infertility include overall health and certain physical or hormonal conditions that can affect delivery, quantity, and quality of sperm. Generally, the first step in determining the cause of infertility in the male involves a semen analysis. A semen analysis allows us to evaluate the following factors:
- Concentration: Low sperm concentration is indicated by 20 million or fewer sperm per milliliter of semen. A normal sperm concentration is 40-300 million sperm per milliliter of semen.
- Motility/Movement: Abnormal sperm motility will prevent the sperm from quickly and accurately penetrating the egg. Motility involves the number of active sperm and their quality of movement.
- Morphology: Healthy sperm have a smooth, oval-shaped head, a well-defined cap (acrosome), no visible abnormality of neck, midpiece, or tail. Abnormal shape and size may affect sperm’s ability to penetrate the membrane of the egg

Causes of Male Infertility
Causes of male infertility include overall health and certain physical or hormonal conditions that can affect delivery, quantity, and quality of sperm. Some causes of infertility in men include:
- Sperm abnormalities
- Infection
- Varicocele
- Hormone imbalance
- Blockage of the sperm duct
- Retrograde ejaculation
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.